I don't go to an average school. But then again I'm not an average teenage girl. I'm from an old race of fairies, witches, and warlocks. I'm a witch but not the bad kind. I know what you're thinking, witches are supposed to be ugly, green hags, right? No, I look like an average teenage girl minus this nasty scar that goes from my shoulder to the middle of my back that I got from a fight with a mermaid at school. My school is not so cleverly named Miths High School, I know. Not only do I go to school with "my kind" but also mermaids, half- dragons, demi-gods, etc. You get the point, I kinda sorta go to a freak school. I have two best-friends, Ava and Mercy. Ava's kinda the queen bee of the mermaids at our school and Mercy is a dragon shapeshifter. But me I'm the real freak show at my school, I happen to be part fairy and part witch. And considering witches and fairies aren't the best of friends my home life sucks. I guess the only time my parents did get along was when they conceived me. My dad's a prime leader witch or warlock, whatever, while my mom's the queen of magical creatures which makes me a very powerful creature. That doesn't mean I am commonly liked as a person. The bad thing about being both a fairy and witch is that both have targets on their back. Which brings us to the hunters that have been after both races since the beginning of our creation. And the darklings who want to ruin the harmony my parents helped accomplish. So basically I'm screwed.