When the sun rises everyone knows something changes. It's morning. Duh, right? But for different types of people, different species, sunlight can mean death. This story has pained me so much to right, knowing that it was all true, and now the last one of his kind - him - my true love - is gone. Forever. So when this book is completed, I must say goodbye for the last time. this isn't jjust another vampire story. This is different. This is the true story of the only vampire left on earth, and the girl who fell for him. Well, let's just say that she fall pretty damn hard. This love wasn't just the kind that couples will say 'will last until the day we both die.' No. This is true love. Love eternally lasting past death. Love so powerful to drive a person to death. So as soon as i have finished recording these words, I will say farewell. Nothing will stop me. This is something you will learn about me. Whatever I put my mind to I am perfecctly capable of doing. That's, I guess, how I managed to keep myself away from him. Beacuse I didnt want to hurt my sister. That worked out well, didn't it? Yeah, I thought not.
But the day is beginning. I must tell this story. I know there may be somethings you will wish to be different as this story continues, but this is what i live through. Believe me - if I could change it, I would. But for now, just look at these words and soak them in.