Ella-May is just an ordinary girl, but her dad has a lot of money. They live in a huge house together but she hates it. She hates the fact that her dad buys her everything, she wants to be independent and provide for herself, but in her dads eyes she is still his little girl and she always will be. He wont give her any freedom, she is restricted to seeing her friends, no boyfriends, no life.
Ella feels like she has to break free, otherwise she never will. She doesn't want to be constantly looked at as her dads baby girl, she is 17 and is still treated like a 4 year old. Not any more. Ella breaks free and lives her life, she does everything her dad forbids... for one guy. Harry Styles, an normal guy who has fallen for someone he shouldn't have. She has thrown it all away for one guy who she has fallen for. But her dad hates him, in his eyes he should be dead. He is a worthless piece of trash that is no good to anyone. But to Ella he is everything.
But you can't help love.