Synopsis: Akira Tachibana, A 17 year old High School boy with black hair and eyes starts his 3rd year in Masoowey High School, Akira lives Alone in his house because his parents are overseas at work while his Older sister is in A Boarding School, Nothing out of the Ordinary here... When suddenly he saw his Childhoof Friend named Kumiko Ichiro, A girl with Brown hair and Black eyes, Lying on the floor of her house, Dead. After the Incident Akira Tachibana had Fainted for 6 Months., but things are way different than before he had fainted.... ** This Story is A Fan Fiction made by BlazerNicky ** Characters: Akira Tachibana - The Main Protagonist Midori Kazumi - The Heroin Kumiko Ichiro - Akira's Childhood Friend Yoshio Takashi - Akira's Classmate/Friend *Note These were the Only Characters Shown in Chapter One*