Brook, a police officer in training, is weirded out by the death of a famous singer- she wasn't murdered, or poisoned, or old, or sick. Brook finds out about a legend about a super naturally cursed knife. If anyone uses the knife, he or she has 7 days left to live. Anyone who touches the knife is normal in the day but if anyone takes there picture, they come out grey and miserable. Brook gets a hold of the knife, and a collage of images flash into her mind: a brown mouse balancing on the famous singer, a newspaper headline about a boating accident, and a cow ranting on about feet. When Brook notices her eyes have cat-like properties she realizes the curse is real and calls her best friend, Adrianna to help. Adrianna looks at the knife and willingly submits herself to the curse. The same images flash into Adrianna's mind and they set off on a journey to go find the one thing that can save them: the hooded crow.
"Creepypasta: Invocări și Legende Întunecate" te poartă într-o lume plină de teroare, unde fiecare invocare deschide poarta către un coșmar din care nu poți scăpa. Legendele care bântuie internetul nu sunt doar povești - sunt entități ce te pot urmări pentru totdeauna, lăsându-te prins într-o realitate bântuită de groază.