Nobody believe them, when they said that something was really off about Ophelia Collins.
Lucas (known as Radar), never made friends at school, he chose to save himself the pressure of being like everyone else, he sat alone and minded himself, until Gavin came along. Gavin (who has the nickname Fuckboy), has moved schools 8 times in the last year and just wants a actual friend. When he saw Lucas he insisted to become his friend. The two of them were losers together, well with Emma, Gavin's sister. Josh showed up halfway through the 9th grade and made friends with everyone in the school, even the three losers, Emma was again stuck in a group of boys. She finds that Jasmine (who's called Real Life Harley Quinn) is a gothic freak like herself. The two slowly become friends, as they are both shy. The loser club grows from 3 to 5. The last to join the little clique is Natalie. It wasn't long after that Ophelia showed, destroying anyone who stops her from getting what she wants.. Gavin.