Dave's Deranged Dreamworld is a collection of dark fantasy short stories revolving around a young boy named Dave who has unknowingly changed the world and all who inhabit it. Dave must now struggle to survive, make new friends along the way and above all, stay sane in this odd new world.
currently listed below are 13 short stories that are already planned and in the making.
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Winters Woe
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Mutilating Madness
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Gertrude the Glutton
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: The maniacal mask
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Sally’s Playpen
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: The Midnight Murders
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Puppet Paradise
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Fiddlesticks, Riddles and Giggles
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: The Sandman’s Slumber
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Tick Tock, Times Up
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: Friday The 13th
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: The Scarecrow That Couldn’t
Dave’s Deranged Dreamworld: The Haunted Hedges
i will probably list each one as a different part on wattpad, though initially if i have not finished a particular short story i might list that short story in separate parts as well, then later combine them into one or leave them the same, not sure yet.
i have always loved a good fantasy story, as well as Tim Burton's films, i am trying to make Dave's Deranged Dreamworld into something along the lines of "Alice in wonderland meets Tim Burton". i am trying to go for that Tim Burton feel if you couldn't tell from the cover :)
btw, i am going to try to release a new section of a short story each week, not the whole short story but a good portion of it. also i may go back and change various things as i do this, for multiple reasons, to strengthen the writing, maybe i didnt quite like how a certain story ended, or even change a character altogether, these short storys are works in progress, so let me know if you have any thoughts or opin
Riverfield, a beautiful town by the ocean, is home to the prestigious Decelis Academy.
It's also home to seven boys with a secret: they may simply seem like players of the famous sport, Nightball, but they're actually vampires.
To escape from their dark past, they try to lead normal lives as students - other than the occasional hitch since their rival Nightball team happens to be made up of werewolves. But in the end, these seven friends always find strength in each other.
Until one day, a new transfer student with curious strength causes the boys' forgotten past to slowly unravel.
Original story: HYBE