Having had their share of ups and downs the gangs back at it again. Looking for love not in all the wrong places but perhaps in the wrong way. Chanel is recovering from her injuries, finding more question than answers as to who she is and why shes feeling so insecure. August is struggling both musically and mentally working hard on his music yet feeling so vulnerable he doubts his artistic ability. He's trying to deal with Chanel's decision for space while attempting to not worry so much about her. Liv is struggling with backlash in her career while attempting to maintain communication with Brian juggling who will win her time and effort her relationship or her job. In addition to her constant worrying about Chanel. Brian is working to win Liv back attempting to show her he's changed but how can you do that when groupies throw themselves at you feigning for attention and drama. Chris is working on opening up his love life and trying to forget about Chanel, easier said then done can he move on or will her screw up any chance he may have to be in a relationship again. Will they get it together? Will their love survive? Will they finally be able to open up their hearts to the one that truly deserves it? Does anybody want to buy a heart?All Rights Reserved