Me: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! x33 Gamzee:Ok ShE hAd ToO mUcH fAyGo... Me:FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYGGGGGGOOOOOOOOO! Sollux:oh thit... Me:hehehehehehehe you lisp X33 Sollux: thut up... KarKat:Wow your all ShitSponges aren't ya... Gamzee: SlAm A motherfucking faygo with me karbro tavros:Uh..... gamzee i'll have a uh.... a faygo Gamzee:*throws faygo to him* here tavbro! Me:*huggles tavros* TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVY! *whispers* i has a bucket in meh room~ Tavros:Uh What are you uh suggesting uh.. Destiny? Me:nothing My Lil Pupa Pan~