6 parts Complete Where the heavenly bodies that are the Sun and Moon don't move.
Where there is no conception of time, where the term day, months and years don't exist.
A story of hope where hope seems lost.
Where the world is split into six different regions, governed by the sun to the west, and governed by the moon to the east.
Where children are born to be placed into divisions.
Born to be either a producer,
Born to be either a breeder,
Born to be either a defender,
Where humanity is plagued by waves of shadow-like demons born by the moon, working tirelessly to collect the delicate orchids that exist inside.
Perri wakes in her Granja, awoken by her sister to become a defender.
Her life goes a route never fathomed.
Tragedy of her birth, Tragedy of deaths.
She carries her sword so that tomorrow might be a better day.