I have words! No really I do...I just choose not to use them...
Talking has just been something that doesn’t really matter to me, not at all. I see no purpose for it, it see’s no purpose for me. So why use talking or words, or my voice?....Exactly. So back to the point...I don’t choose to speak, but I can. Even though I look like I might be the outgoing talkative type..I’m not. my blonde hair, freckles, and green eyes don’t really look shy. I really could be sitting with the popular kids at lunch..but there’s many more reasons I don’t want to sit there....one, I’m just....scared!
I have words! No really I do....I just choose not to use them. I am 12 years old, and I haven’t spoken one words, or used my voice, EVER!
Speaking isn’t my thing...Imagination is my world....