Young Eleanor Porter is the very definition of ordinary. She attends an average school, receives average grades for her average efforts, and has an average group of friends. Even her family is average, their relationships mirror that of an annoying nineties sitcom. One day, on a scheduled trip to the beach that Eleanor's family takes every year, everything goes awry. Due to the vast quantities of ice-cream he consumed hours earlier, the youngest Porter sibling, Everett, needs a bathroom break. Rushing to the nearest convenience store, her doting parents, along with the eldest Porter sibling, Elijah, accompany him. This leaves Eleanor and her fellow middle-child, Ethan, in their parent's minivan. Before you can scream "tragedy", a masked marauder saunters into the packed store, going completely unnoticed. The villain grabs the nearest hostage he can find, Mrs.Porter, just as she was handing a cashier money for a newly purchased pack of baby wipes. Eleanor and Ethan can see the entire scene unfold through the store's large windows. In mere seconds, her mother is dead, and the rest of the Porters occupying the store soon follow suit. Ethan clings to Eleanor, and she does the same. Shortly afterward, the siblings are put into the foster care system and separated. Ever since that day, Eleanor's life has been anything, but ordinary. All thanks to an extra scoop of rocky road, and one sick convict. The situation effects her in ways she could never imagine, and there's a price to pay for her newfound power.
''Please, protect her.. Please.. Take my life, and save her!'' The sobs of a dying women as she begged for her newborns life, her soul started to flicker like candle light being drowned in wax.
''I hope you know this will keep you from the gates of the afterlife, Esther.''
''I don't care about myself! Save her!''
Delilah has always had an odd life. She lives with her Grandmother after her mother died soon after her birth. And her mom might've made a deal with a demon to protect her daughter until she dies. So the dark entity is always shadowing her, the little demon over her shoulder.
But Delilah loves the demon. He was like the father she never had. And Jasper refuses to admit that although he's numb from the core. He wants to protect her and make sure she's okay. It's just the rules of the contract..
He tries to tell himself that it's just the contract. But when Delilah is taken into the void (purgatory) and left to go insane, Jasper begins to feel things he hasn't felt in a long time..