Dealing with the AFTERMATH of trauma and tragedy, can tear families apart and hurdle strangers together. Healing doesn’t mean the pain was never real, the damage never done, but can love be enough for the past to no longer control a persons future?
While vacationing in Panama, Hollywood's latest star meets an 'average girl next door' on the worst day of both of their lives, during a violent kidnapping where several innocent people die, including her husband.
In the midst of being assaulted, Emmylou gets a hold of a gun and becomes the unlikely hero, but the media spins it and gives the action star all the credit. Later, struggling to coop with the creepy people that try to take advantage of her sudden state as a widow and new single mom, Voss steps in and tries to help his now vulnerable hero, and along the way they become friends, who accidentally kiss...a lot. But, there is no way she would ever fit into his world of privilege and he doesn't fit in her life much better either...
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'There were no words to describe the breathtakingly horrifying look of her. Tangled long, blond hair matted with blood stuck to her face. The whites of her big eyes contrasting against pale skin spattered in blood. Wearing only a bikini bottom, her breasts were covered in blood, a large gash to her upper eye and forehead streaming blood down to her waist.
But the hand she held the gun in was clean, dry and steady, raised at her shoulder height. An empty holster for a dive knife was strapped to her leg, the small blade grasped tight in the fist that stabilized the raised nine-millimeter Luger.
She took two shallow breaths and turned slowly to look over at Voss and his brothers for a quick second. She collected two guns off the dead gunmen and crossed the galley, quickly freeing Voss’s hands, leaving him the knife to take care of his brothers.
She said nothing.'
"So you think you can be my guard?" Aiden circled me.
I broadly smiled, raising brow in his direction. "You should see me in action."
He smirked, stopped and scratching his chin. "I have...on the news. You nearly dissapear on the cameras. I love that, you move fast yet people know you're there. It sends fear in their hearts and blood pumping faster.
Just at the mention of blood pumping, it made my quicken a little. "Like I said." I bowed. "You should see me in action."
Valerie Materson can't deny it anymore. She's cursed; an abomination because of her foul mixed blood. Being half vampire and half werewolf has its perks but the urges she recieves totally suck. One night it's blood and the next is getting in on a good fight which never ends good. Living in the big apple, Valerie materson has a big price on her wolf head. Percisely 20, 000 dollars and raising after every kill she makes. She can't help but hear every vein pulse as she passes an innocent person, its just in her cursed blood. Dealing with her troublesome urges for four years now, she finally gets an answer.
Aiden Damson.
A Royal Vampire from over seas is in need of a body gaurd after his last had passed over. And he's searching for a unique one this time, when his eyes fall upon this little vamp puppy. A story of anger management, humerous brothers from other mothers, sad family stories, weird love, hot sex, pissed off shoulder bites, lingerie party nights.
But most of all, a strong bond between master and body guard is neatly expressed.