Fathomless is a basically a pot of everything I am trying to express without starting a book.
I wouldn't necessarily label every piece of writing in this collection as a poem, some pieces may transgress into short-stories.
Fathomless won't appeal to everybody because some people may find it morbid or melodramatic in some aspects. To understand the depth of the concept behind fathomless one needs to understand that it kind of embodies everything about human lives from every perspective. This may be branching quite wide given I'm one person but writing from the soul can set powerful works into motion
I write this in hopes of kick starting a life dedicated to literature and its depth. I know that I will be judged and I know that some people will not even give me the time of day.
However, I hope that in writing this, I hope to be the enigma for some positivity in the literary world and ignite the spark within myself to actually publish a book.
I hope you like it...