this tale is about a distant world in a long forgotten time. It begins with the 16 pelars. A rising light created artha, a world to set life and test all kind of life for preparation for the big finally. The light wanted fill it's space with souls that obey and follow the goodness that is been presented by the 16 pelars. In order to understand Artha and the 16 pelars. One has to know how it all began. a flashback the time between 16 pelars and the creation of this world is about 8.9 billion years. First life ever touched it surface there's no records of but what it's known in this world that is, the Light was the first ever walking and touching the surface. The Light created this magnificent world and all everything and everyone on it. Since the creation til 16 pelars time began has been over a million years since the first human appeared in Artha. In this time a lot had happened. The Light wanted ending every conflict and every major war that was going in Artha.