One day my sister and I were born. My mom ,who's name was Martha, had a grand celebration till the day I was born our names were going to be the 2 headed freaks, but she changed her mind because she didn't want people to think less of her as a mother so our names were Zoey and Lefty. Zoey was on the right side and lefty was on the left side. Zoey always was happy so her mother loved her but when she saw lefty she hated her. So one day Martha wrote in her diary about how she thought The twins were horrible. Then one day they found it when Zoey read it ,she killed her mother then she ran far away from that hell house. Three years later a little boy was lost and when he saw the twins he shouted "FREAKS HELP!!!!!" We saw his mother her name was Queenie and she was also a freak. She told her son to not call them freaks and to treat them like regular people. The Little boy apologized to us. His mom said, "need a ride this is Toby and I am Queenie."
"cool" I replied, "this is Lefty and im Zoey, we left home because our mom called lefty an outsider."
"Shit" Queenie said. "Get in my truck, we're going to take you to the Freakshow."
On the way to the Freakshow Lefty wrote in her diary:
"It was in the fall when I realized the world I had known was forever doomed. I knew I was about to enter the gates of Hell, but like the inescapable pull of gravity, there was nothing I could do about it."
A few moments later Queenie says "We're here." Lefty never looked happier.
She began writing in her diary:
"Dear Diary, I have seen my future - it is pink and wrapped in silk!"
A man walked up to Lefty and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Ben. Can you guess my freakish condition?" Lefty shook her head no. He then looked the other way, "I have two sides to me, two faces. This face is pure evil, and whispers to me to do things. It tells me to kill you right now." Lefty screamed, "HELP!" Ben says, "Look around, everybody is performing and I'm going to saw you two in half. VOTE PLEZ