It all started 2 years ago...
My boyfriend Zayn and I were always on the run someone wanted us murdered. We traveled to many countries in that time Brazil, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Ireland. We only spent no more then a month in each country if we got lucky we got to spend 2 to 3 months by the time they found where we were we had to run. I haven't seen my family in this time they stayed back in London. While I had this crazy scary adventure with Zayn. I get to talk to them from time to time but not too much. I can barely go to sleep at night without the thought in my head that someone wanted us murdered.
Ireland was the last place we were we got to spend a lot of time there I think we were there for about 3-4 months we stayed in Niall's hometown Mullingar. It was a small town so we thought it take them a while to find us. Now we are in a small island off the coast of Austrailia where its a population of 10 people. We have been here 3 months this is our thrid month. Our journey may never end unless we kill them first....