Pearl Whitman is a timid and anxiety-ridden girl from Montana. She, like most teenagers, is embarking on a difficult journey...more commonly known as freshman year. After being bullied in grade school, she is absolutely terrified to be a freshman. Being in high school means more classmates. And she figures that, the more people she is surrounded by, the more she will inevitably fade out of everyone's minds. Pearl is afraid. Scared of becoming just another face in the yearbook. Or even worse, an easy target. But then Pearl meets Castor, an absolute gentleman she can't help but fall for. She doesn't want to like him, because loving means giving into emotions. Loving means going against everything Pearl has ever known. Everything seems to go wrong for Pearl as she's broken, time and time again. From family rifts to lonely, tearful nights, Pearl faces it all. But maybe it is for a reason... Maybe "happily ever after" isn't so simple as love at first sight; love changes you, for better or worse, and sometimes it can be found when you least expect it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is based on a true story---sorry for the typos, I'll fix most of them eventually. All names and locations have been changed.