Sakura Haruno. Amateur photographer in training and goddaughter of the famous world-known model, Lady Tsunade. After her godmother recommends her to a seemingly desperate client in London, Sakura dons her tourist map and British-flag suitcase and heads to the city known for its fashion.
Sasuke Uchiha, heir to the world-wide enterprise of fashion, UforFashion, and known for his cover-boy, heart-stopping looks. But, Sasuke doesn't want to be just-another-head-for-just-another-company. Instead, he only wants to purse his lifelong dream of becoming a humble photographer. However, with his family's reputation at stake, it seems virtually impossible for that to happen. Though, under the keen eye of his brother, he's able to find a camera... that Sakura has her eyes on too.
Perhaps it is fate that leads both of them to spark a war with the camera as their trophy. Perhaps it is fate that leads them to resurface a childhood memory. Perhaps it is fate that all they wanted was a Polaroid Camera on EBay.
Love was just a bonus.