Growing up is the hardest thing. Theirs just so many cliques, "popularity, jocks, geeks/nerds, the shy ones, trouble makers, teachers pets, and then there are people like me, the outsiders." Someone who tries to stay away from all the others because were different, as in our childhood is different. So like growing up with one parent or in a foster home, or in a different side of town with the run down houses. The others think of us as second chance. Most of us just get pity from teachers, and we get put down a lot from how we were raised. In third grade I was held back because I didn't have good grades. The second year for third grade i met my best friend Kianna. We met during inside reassess when we were doing a puzzle together, that was also when we had our first argument she wanted to do a certain half but I already did it so she got mad and I got mad then we made up. In forth grade i made some other friends, Madison, Alexis H. and Cassy (Cassy was home schooled) . Fifth grade I met Sierra and Monett (they were both new kids). In six grade there was some more new girls named Marena, and Alexis L. we became close friends. In seventh grade Monett and Sierra moved away. Then Elizabeth joined in on our friendship. In eighth grade Alexis L. moved and then a girl named Latisha came to our school and we became friends also Madison became friends with a different clique. So its just Kianna, Alexis H., Elizabeth, Marena, and Latisha. We are what they call the outsiders. But hey, the good thing is we most likely wont be in drama, drugs, or all that dumb and retarded stuff.Todos os Direitos Reservados
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