Laura's gay, Laura loves me
"Good enough"
(Laura is actually gay!!!)
Kasper: BB was born, BB is beautiful, The End.
Laura is also Neko ;3
And Gen has a cyborg arm
Don't question it, because I don't know.
Gen: Kasper + Gen + Tintedsoul #Threesome anyone.
Kapser: No, Just no Gen...
Also, I don't know why, but we now have three people writing this book... Don't ask... It was suppose to be a Flaura story, but some how it turned into a Flan story...
Soul: It's not a Flan story, we were gonna add Gen as my best friend but he's now apart of this love story. _-_
Kasper: I have no clue when we are going to continue this as well... I mean, we are lazy little shits so... Derp... Also, I have no clue why Gen is writing in the first place... He said he wanted to be in it, we gave him the password, then he does the chapters after mine, soooooo yeah :/