20 parts Complete In a fractured reality teetering on the edge of destruction, a group of young heroes known as the Keepers must come together to protect the multiverse from total annihilation. Led by Rizure, a boy created by powerful forces to wield reality-altering abilities, the Keepers-each with unique powers-unite to stop Geno and Korin, two entities manipulating the Nexus, the heart of all realities.
As they uncover hidden truths about their pasts, including Justin's dark connection to his father, The Nothing, the leader of a deadly faction bent on making their reality the last one in existence, the Keepers face insurmountable challenges. Armed with mysterious powers like rift creation, fire, lightning, and speed, they must stand together to prevent a cataclysmic force from destroying the Zero Point and every reality along with it.
A gripping tale of friendship, sacrifice, and the battle between creation and destruction, this story explores the weight of destiny and the lengths these young heroes will go to in order to save everything they love.