19 years after the war, Albus Potter is entering his first year at Hogwarts. He is learning how to become a wizard, and making new friends along the way. The wizarding world is thrown into a panic when Al's father, the famous Harry Potter, mysteriously disappears. Al is terrified and confused. The Dark Lord couldn't be back...could he?
54 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
54 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Albus Potter has dealt with bullying from bunkmates and his brother throughout his years, and little else of consequence. Now he and Rose are entering year five, and he finds himself wishing for more excitement and fewer annoyances... but only the first will come true. Where is the headmistress? Why are the Hogwarts ghosts acting so strangely, and is this phenomenon connected with their two new professors, or the shyest sixth-year in Slytherin? [Novella, book-length, mostly canonical]