Book Two of the Honor and Glory Trilogy
After the unexpected attack on Jorrvaskr, Ylva Sky-Shatterer has discovered a note that talks about the small island of Solstheim and some strange man called Miraak. The name Miraak sounds so familiar, like she should know him, but the meaning of the name eludes her. Whoever this man is, he sent two people to kill her, and now she must find out why. So her husband, Vilkas, his brother, Farkas, the Companions's new recruit, Tyra, and Ylva are to set out to Solstheim. They have to find out who this Miraak is, and soon. Ylva has no idea what to expect, but she does know one thing. This adventure will end with either Miraak or herself at the end of the other's blade.
NOTE: I do not own Skyrim, its quest lines, or its dialogue. I only own my original characters and dialogue.
Prequel: Honor and Glory
Sequel: Victory or Sovngarde
Vilkas x Dragonborn fan fiction
Originally titled "You Don't Have to Save The World Alone, Harbinger," but that was long and a little ridiculous.
My most recent Skyrim play-through, personal character idea (female nord Dragonborn) and a few head-cannons that went with it.
Dragonborn knows she's the Dragonborn and many other things about Skyrim.
Companions quest-line, civil war quest-line, and main story quest-line (consider this a spoiler warning!)
Mostly from Vilkas's point of view and the Dragonborn's point of view.
And of course as this is a fan-fiction, the only character that is mine is my specific version of the Dragonborn, everyone else belongs to Bethesda. A portion of the dialogue comes directly from the game as well.
Also, no smut, but there will be some strongly suggestive occasions so I marked it "mature".
Other tag suggestions would be appreciated.