5 parts Ongoing Long before the earth, before creation itself, there was the bang. The universe formed the realms we know of now. Unlike our world though, there were two other realms. At first it was balanced. The three queens and the single king were born. All holding unimaginable power and bodies to house said power. Shortly after thier establishment, the power struggle began. One side claimed to be a paradise for everyone who followed the one 'true' king. The king of light, enlightment, creation, and piece. A city of gold and silver was made by him and the three queens. Soon they began to have children. Born of pure light and equilibrium but suppressed emotions such as love, hate, anger, and all other human emotions. Soon, the sons and daughters were forced into an army that became agressive twords the king of darkness. Dispite thier 'damned' nature, the king and queens of darkness were pieceful. Housing the uncanny abilities to control all emotions, the queens established the king as the undisputed ruler in defiance of the light. Soon, the kings and queens forged their own names. The king of light was named theos and the king of darkness was named lucifer. Soon the light was filled with lies and manipulation as the dark was truth and justice. Dispite all of this, humanity was forged with both darkness and light. With theos promising a paradise for everyone who followed him, lucifer only made deals and never made promises that would be one sided. Along with promises, licifer granted favors through rigerus trials as theos tested everyone from the start of their birth. By theos's dictation, he called his relm heaven and lucifers hell. Soon, souls started flooding hell. Those who fell, were casted out of heaven through pure fire and fury. Licifer welcomed all into his realm. Soon his hatred grew. Those who held any guilt, anger and/hatred faced themselves but not to torment them but to help them forgive and come to piece with themselves. Soon, lucifer had an army. Loyal and strong.