Arkken here!!! So I decided to make a book about random stuff? Since I have no life, and am usually absent, I will have this book up, and post whenever I want toooo! Humor, Sickly Humor, WTF Humor, Just Weird, Anime Related, just ANYTHING! I will take requests to I guess… NO NASTY THINGS, YAH NASTIES!
- R.I.P. Arkken
Cause of Death:
She was walking alone in an alleyway, when suddenly was attacked by a stranger. The stranger was soon after recognized as a book, titled 'RANDOM'. The book was never found, keep an eye out for 'that monster, demon-possessed, sneaky, douchebag.' Put in Arkkens words before death, and disappearance. If either are found, please contact - LocalDeathofArkkenLupine@nolife.address.STFU
"Arkken was amazing, such a pity she died or disappeared."
"Who the ffffffffuhhh is Arkken?"