Looking for a good book? Can't find anything to your liking? If you click on this book because one of those was true or whatever reason you came upon this book, then bravo for you because you've made the right choice. Here I have for you a collection of amazing books from amazing authors! Happy Reading. ^-^ --- These books are the books that I have read myself and in my opinion are really worth sharing with other wattpaders who are looking for the right book to read. I won't add someone's book to the list if I haven't read it yet so keep in mind that the numbers a book gets, doesn't necessarily have to show just how good a book is. I try to show you a mix from 1D, werewolf, action, adventure, humor and romance so that it'll be easier to find your pick. If you have any books you recommend, let me know and I'll give it a read and maybe add it to this list. Oh and If you want to add it here just to promote it, I probably won't add it to the list unless I've read it and qualify it to be put here. And yes my cover looks like crap. I got sick of my old one and just scribbled this three year old drawing so ya. My commentary is very weird and I am weird so just keep that in mind.All Rights Reserved