RATED: M For Mature.
Which Means: 18+.
This Will Be A Collection Of One-Shots/Short Stories.
This Collection Will Involve Original Characters, (Possibly) Otome Characters, Anime Characters, Video Game Characters, and ETC.
This Collection Will Also Involve: Smut, Lemon, SweetCréme, Coffee, Vanilla, Trap (Possibly), BitterSweet, And Anything Else I Can Or May Think Of. ♡
This Collection Will Also Involve: 1-5 Chapters, Depending On The Story.
Also, I Hope You Enjoy These New Collections.
I Will Announce That Certain Characters May Be "OOC". If You Do Not Like And/Or Enjoy This, Please Do Not Read It.
I Do Not Have Time For Petty Arguments.
Also, Depending On Said Stories, They Will Be Written: Third Person, First Person, and Second Person.
I Have Never Taken Requests, Because I Do Not Think I Am Capable Of Meeting Certain Readers Expectations.
So, With That Being Said: Please Enjoy~ ♡
Not much to say, Oneshots and all kind of sh*t that comes to mind. All about these lovely cookies we simp for. OwO
Possible formats to expect:
->Oneshots! (Duh) (platonic, romantic, angsty, ya'll get it)
->Smut (No stand-alone Lemons though, these might get their own book, HOWEVER if a lemon scene is part of an on going series in this book you'll find it here)
->Crack/ Incorrect Quotes! :D
->AU Ideas
->Theories? (Idk yet)
->Art! (NEW)
-> Yeee, I'll add more if I add them
->Lol, that sentence hardly made sense-