"Poppet? Who called anyone Poppet anymore? Who is it calling someone Poppet?"
"Run? Is it talking to me? Run why...why would I run? Wait... do I know this voice? Is it familiar?"
"Why would you need me? Is this Arthur? No, he would never admit something so obvious so openly and freely... but who could possibly need me? Bryan? Selene? Quil? No... It felt too different to be them."
"Who are you... where are you? I want to help you. I won't leave... who was leaving you?"
"PLEASE... please... Abigail. Please don't go."
Have you ever had a dream that makes you feel déjà vu... but you can't exactly place a name to the person or situation? That is because it hasn't happened yet. In fact, it may never happen. You have to do a specific action in a certain way to experience the memory making you feel this way.
Have you ever had a dream where you aren't anywhere in it and it is as if you are merely watching a scene play out in a movie? This is an event that may or may not have actually happened or will happen. What that reason it is there, is unpredictable.
Have you ever had a dream where it was fuzzily grey and you could hear voices yet see nothing? Someone was communicating with you. Whether it happens in the past, future, or through the very dream itself is varying person to person.
Dreams are a fickle business... they are forgotten so easily, yet we remember how they made us feel. For example, you remember a dream about something having to do with compartments. You remember that it was a crazy dream... yet you can't remember anything about it at all.
Dreams are forgotten for a reason, whether it be over years and years or immediately. They are that way for a reason. Never, I repeat, Never hold on to a dream. If you hold onto dreams then others, worse dreams, come and hold on to you.
All dreams, in the end, cause you pai
Welcome to your source for all the inside information about my characters, books, and everything that it takes to make their stories come to life!
Ever have questions about how characters were created or why they make certain choices? Wonder about the writing process and what goes into a story? You'll find all of that plus more in this blog-style journal!