(Hey guys!This is my story ever and I'm only 11 yrs old, so please bear with me. Enjoy!)
Chapter one: New Job, Night 1
Jasmin's POV
I've been here for 15 seconds and I'm already scared. Why did I get this job? Oh yeah! My mom made me get a stupid summer job! Son of a biscuit! Mother-fudger!
The phone interrupted my train of thought. I went to pick it up, but the guy already answered.
"Hello? Hello?"
"I said 'yeah'!"
" hey I wanted to record a message for you so you can get settled in on your first night."
"Now I know this may seem overwhelming..."
"Ya think?!"
"...but everything is okay."
I think that's what he said. I couldn't remember because I was still stuck on something that he said after.
"...they tend to wander a bit..."
Wait, what?! Those robot-thingies walk around... TOWARD MY OFFICE?!!! What the hello kitty is going on?!
"Only close the doors if necessary. Gotta conserve power."
That was the last thing I heard. And I was paranoid