Oh, am I suppose to write something about this? Oh great...
Well, My name... you should already know that.
My intentions in writing this... you should already know since you're the one who set me out to write it, Shitty Glasses.
His name... His name was Eren Jaeger.
It's a really nice name, isn't it? It rolls of the tongue, like some sort of German Nickname you give to a highschool sweetheart.
I suppose I can write about him within this description He's the only reason I agreed to write this whole damn thing, in the first place. Because he's just so... Describable.
Despite the purpose of this story, which again, you should already know so I won't entail it again, I will not write much about myself. Because again, you should already know these things after being my psychologist for all these years. How many years, exactly? You should know, shouldn't you? So why would I tell you?
In fact, you already know everything that took place between myself and Eren Jeager, yet you still ask me to document it for you upon these oily brown pages within this worn out, old leather book.
So for this reason,
All I will describe in great detail,
Is the feelings that overwhelmed me upon falling for this broken boy,
And the beauty of said boy, himself.
Because these are the only things, that are worth writing about. And no one should conjure a story, not worth listening to.