Meet Jordyn. A fairly normal 13-year-old girl with short honey-brown hair and hazel eyes. She lives with her dad, mom, and older brother, Zach. With almost always having her nose stuck in a book, her hobby being karate, and up-keeping a social media page, she certainly does not fit into a stereotypical category of a person.
Meet Elliot. A 13-year-old boy with dark brown hair that curl just the slightest at the tips. He has lived with his grand-parents ever since his parents were involved in a a tragic car accident. He absolutely loves a good book and has fun playing any sport as long as it's with his friends, Eli and Brandon.
Jordyn and Elliot go to two different churches, but Jordyn's friends, Hannah and Madison, decide to invite Jordyn to their church's annual bonfire where Elliot also attends.
Read to find out what happens! Yes, yes--that last sentence was very cliche, but I have no idea how to end this summary. :`)