Hey. I'm Skyler and this is my story. Just because I'm writing this doesn't mean I get out alive at the end.
I was recruited to a CIA program called Provisions. We are a group of highly trained operatives all 18 and under. You know that guy that's always skateboarding at the end of the street, or talking on their cell phone next to Starbucks? Yeah, that's us. My unit is composed of me, Savannah, Benji, and Macy. Our elite unit is the top of the top, which I pride myself on. Our job is to keep our district- Los Angeles- safe from terrorists, and just overall bad guys. We were on regular mission: find the bomb, dispose of it before thousands of people get hurt. It just so happens that bomb is at the summer Dance All Night festival- the biggest festival in the Eastern United States, and is continuous for three days. But, not everything is so cut and dry, especially when the biggest young artists all around the world come and perform. Let's just hope I don't blow my cover, and my past doesn't come back to bite me. And, I might just meet someone on the way.