"It was almost evening and as they made their way out the building, the professor was had disappeared behind a crack of thunder and Lily turned to face Hagrid. The crowd had died down to two homeless people wandering the streets aimlessly and the clouds bathed in colours of golden red and pink. Owls hooted in the twilight as they scoured the village in search of prey. "- an excerpt from Harry Potter and the Artemis Fowl.
Lily has been trained and taught to prepare for her mission: to kidnap Harry Potter.
She realises that she cannot hand in Harry to the Dark Lord and allows him to escape, almost at the cost of her own life. Harry too, has learnt that they have much in common and that she has offered her services to the Dark Lord in order to save her parents' lives. He insists that she come with him to Hogwarts. There, Lily finds her true parents (hint: its a professor...)and friends.
It all goes downhill during one visit to the Hogsmeade when she gets a vision ....
Along with it comes dark, new, uncontrollable powers...
And a fate that cannot be changed
Heyy guys,
i just want to clear up some things before I begin.
Firstly and most importantly, I want to make it very clear that just because Harry is in his fifth year as Hogwarts, this story will not most likely keep up with that of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Some of it may be based off books three and four.
I try my very best to update as regularly as possible, however there are many assignments and exams coming up at school as its the second semester.
I'm sure most of you will notice as you read through but, this has NOTHING to do with the Artemis Fowl which is apparently a book. I have not taken any inspiration from it.
The characters belong to none other than Ms Rowling herself (except for Lily, of course)
This is my first time ever posting something I wrote.
Also, I would love to hear from you guys so please leave a comment if you like it.