Looking for good Beatles fanfiction? Well look no further. Here are one-shots/imagines/slash/lemons about George, John, Ringo, and Paul. Be warned, one story might be about one of the boys caring for you while you're sick. Fixing you tea, cuddling, light kisses and hair stroking. The sweet, lovey-dovey kind of stuff.
Then, there are those other chapters. The chapters where one of the lads pins you up against a wall, growling into your ear about how much he wants you. Im sure you know what happens next in the story. Don't fret if these chapter aren't your thing, I'll put a very clear
-THIS CHAPTER HAS SMUT- warning at the beginning of them.
Don't be afraid to send me requests on the types of imagines/smut you want me to write about the fab four.
*ALSO* I upload a new story ever week, so please be patient. As of right now there is only one chapter uploaded, but there will be more. promise!
Peace and Love,
Renee *
Jatkoa edelliselle kirjalle!
Kuten edellisessä mukana on välillä joku BC juttu ja vaan omansa molemmille muruille!
Nimitägit löytyy edelleen otsikosta, helpompi tietää mitä on luvassa!
Edelleen Tommi ja Joel mukana sekoilemassa, pääpaino kuitenkin Jikolla ja Oleksilla!