(A/N: This is the alternative version, also the second book, to Wild Ride. If you have not read Wild Ride, I suggest you read that first before you read this, hence why I put 'Book 2' in the title. ~A7X_ReverendPlague)
Elise never had the perfect family, but when she comes home and announces to her parents that she's pregnant from a one night stand and doesn't really know the father, besides his name and the fact he's the drummer of a rock band called Avenged Sevenfold, her mother is furious. Her mother was one of those deeply religious people, so Elise being pregnant out of wedlock as already a huge violation. She's disowned, told by her mother not to come back, so she stays with friends until she gets the money to move to California.
Now, six years later, she has a daughter, whom she named Abigail, questioning more and more about her father until she starts begging Elise to let her meet him. What happens when Elise gives in to Abigail's pleading? Will Jimmy take them in, or tell them he just doesn't have room in his busy life for a kid?