4 parts Complete The Yeti Rebellion focuses on Ivanilson, an impoverished 18 year old mage, and his struggle to become both a wizard and a respectable man. During his time at the Brujopo Academy of Arcane Arts, Ivanilson sacrifices his principles and the lives of his peers in order to further his own ambitions. The young wizard is haunted by these choices, but finds greater purpose in his life once outside of the Academy. Alongside a Shapeshifting Druidess, Arcane Archer, Royal Bard, impatient Paladin and grizzled Commander, Ivanilson braves the Nievara Blancan Mountains and the Yetis that call them home. The young mage struggles with his belief that arcane supremacy will afford him the liberty to right the injustices he observes in his family, hometown and the world around him. Eventually, Ivanilson is forced to choose between his lifelong search for absolute power and the lives of his unexpected, beloved friends.