The creature groaned hungrily, dragging it's feet across the ground as it shuffled it's way towards her. 'He' (or at least she thought it was a he), grew louder as it inched closer. His skin was a tinge of green and was peeling slightly. An off smell gravitated around him and thick blood dripped from his crusty mouth. His eyes were glazed over, as if he couldn't see, but she knew he knew he was there. Maybe it was the way it limped towards her as fast as it could, or maybe it was the fact that it continued on towards her seemingly unaffected by the lack of an arm. She gagged as the bloody stub that was left behind had gone black. Wanting to put it out of it's misery, she pulled her silver bladed hunting knife out and threw it with excellent aim. She cringed as the weapon punctured the zombie's skull, creating an echoing sound as it's skull cracked upon, letting an amount of thick, oozing blood out. He finally dropped dead. As she wiped the sweat of the furrow of her brow she thought to herself: "I have to get used to the fact that this is the zombie apocalypse, and I have to survive." - Amber is shocked when she finds herself in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. With no one else to help, how will she survive?Todos los derechos reservados
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