Nova was in trouble.
At first, he was just an average cat; going to work at McDonalds, raising a family, overall a general life of a Catlandian. That is, until the accident happened. That's when things started to go wrong, when he saw things he wasn't supposed to.
The government was hiding a growing problem at the South Pole, right at the geological End of the World. Ozone had been leaking for some years through earth's atmosphere and slowly making its way north towards civilization. And that wasn't it: the government had also been hiding a secret organization called the CIAO. Not the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, that everyone knows about, but the Cats in Intergalactic Atmospheres Organization. It plans to send cats to other planets with somewhat livable conditions by the year 2031. While the hunt continues for the public for any habitable planet, the CIAO has already found several possibilities.
And what does Nova get to do? Well, explore them of course.
Started this book on June 7, 2015.
Basically, the sin of sloth got transported to the world of demons, reapers, and angles by her littler brother greed. Let's see how sloth have a new eve by a demon butler.