This sort of story is based off of a part of a role play, it needs some work added to it so bare with me folks... Preface, through out this short example story you will see some mature chapters and foul language... '' Noo! wait i-i can't leave " Knockout shouted at the other mechs who where taking him away from Batlecry, he faught to free himself and was hit in the head causing him to blank out, tho the next few hours would be tourtue for the young mech when he wakes.. " Shut up glitch '' a nother mech said as he started to haul him into a cargo carrier after he'd been knocked out to stay quiet "...we don't get payed enough to do this sort of work...'' he said to the other four who where loading up Battlecry, he had earlyer seen him fighting to keep them away from knockout, he smirked slightly and chuckled " i bet he's in love with the little glitch...what'ya say..."...he said to the others seeing them look at him. a few laughs and nodded about it when they finished hauling him inside, Warhead moved over to knockouts side when he heard him starting to talk again, he grins and took some tape and stuck it over his mouth he leans down over him and dug his finger tips into his chest, threatenly to pull his spark's chamber open "...shut up or i will make sure you never see your little lover wont be his for much longer..." he seen him tear up suddenly and trashed alittle more being tied up, he walked over to where they where holding Battlecry and chuckled seeing him glairing up at him, he put his foot on his shoulder heavily enough to hear metal bending "...Im sure you heard that right ?...My last sparkling barer didn't last the whole month...thats why i took you see who i can make give me the rightful heir to my ship..." he took his foot off and seen him raise his hand to strike out at him and flashed his heel over his face shooting sparks off " want him better obey me.." thats all untill the next oneВсе права защищены