"I don't know what's real anymore."
Something's not right. This doesn't feel right. Should I talk to somebody¬NO NO NO, they'll think I'm being crazy. I'm just being silly. I should stop thinking about it.
Maybe I am Going crazy...
OK, OK, I have to stop thinking about it. I'm thinking way too much. yes. It might be nothing wrong at all. I'm just over reacting. I should have spoken to someone, but it's too late now, I'll just make it worse. yes you will. Don't be so stupid. Idiot. STOP.
What if I... NO NO NO NO. yes. You have. No.
Everything is wrong. No Just you. Why do I have to think this way. Because you're broken. The world is still the same.You're just different. I just want to stop over thinking. But you can't. Stupid. There is nobody I can speak to. That's yourfault. Nobody understands my problems. Because you're a freak. I'm so stupid. Yes. Idiot. Yes.
I need help. No one can help you. I make things worse for everybody. Yes. People would be happier without me. They would. I wish this would just end. Then end it. I wish I would die. Then do it. I can't. Coward. No, I'm not a coward. Youare a coward. No. Yes. I am a coward.
You are the worst. I am the worst. You Should just die. I wish I could. Nobody loves you. Nobody does. You're worthless. I am. You think too much. Yes you make things worse yes you're wrong, yes. Broken, yes Different, yes. Stupid, yes it's all yourfault. Yes. You're a freak. Yes Stupid, yes. Idiot, yes. Better without you. Yes. End it ... Do it ... Coward. . You are the worst