In 1957, The Dollgangers Family lives in an Idyllic life in Gladstone Pennsylvania. The family consist of 12 year-old Cathy, 14 year-old Chris, 4
year-old twins Carrie and Cory, and their parents Christopher and Corrine. When Christopher dies in a car accident, the family is left in deep debt. Corrine moves with the children to her estranged wealthy parent's home in Virginia. Corrine mother Olivia, sneaks the family in the attic and insist the children must be hidden from there grandfather. Olivia treats the children with disdain and threatens to punish them for disobedience. Corrine meets with her father, and when she returns to the children, she has been whipped by Olivia, who then tells the children that their parents were half-uncle and niece. Corrine confirms this and explains her plan to win back her father's love so she can introduce the children to him. Over time Cathy and Chris turn the attic into an imaginary garden. To educate the twins they read books.