These is a constant process of development of social skills, behavioural traits and emotional intelligence keeps on going in the growth and development phase of children and adolescents which helps them in leading a normal life. Each stage of growth and development of the adolescents presents particular difficulties for kids that they have a tendency to work through as typical parts of growing up. Emotional wellness issues can worsen these difficulties, however, and as a rule, psychological well-being issues emerge presently after effect of occasions in a kid's life, whether those occasions are traumatic encounters, for example, being tortured or normal encounters, for example, moving to another home. Every child has a tendency to react and respond in different manner to these events of life. But there are certain situations which can lay adverse effects on their mind and can turn them being violent as well. Situations like fight and divorce of parents, death of their loved ones, ignorance from parents, sexual abuse, poverty, physical and emotional bully etc can influence their physical and mental health and can cause stress and anxiety in them. Dr. Ashima Shukla believes that love and care of parents for the children can lead to positive social and emotional development in them which is equally important as physical health. This will help in creating a healthy functioning environment in home, school and society as well. At the point when youngsters experience negative feelings or participate in practices that meddle with their joy and capacity to flourish, they may get it treated by meeting with an emotional wellness expert, for example, an advisor, adolescent counsellor or guide. Counselling and therapy sessions if done frequently with a specific end goal can help in protecting space to address what everybody is encountering to become together and live all the more cheerfully presently.