The story of two of the youngest YouTubers in the 'YouTube crew' When Jenna Ray and Bertie Gilbert are forced to share a room for two weeks in LA will sparks fly or will everything go wrong? [All YouTubers mentioned, except Jenna Ray (JennasJingles), are real] YouTubers included: UK Bethan Leadley: musicalbethan Sam Pepper: OFFICIALsampepper Jack Howard: jackhoward Dean Dobbs: deanaday ^^COLLAB: omfgitsjackanddean Marcus Butler: marcusbutlertv Alfie Deyes: pointlessblog Louis Cole: foodforlouis Marius Lithsrop: TheMazziMaz Thomas Ridgewell: DarkSquidge Christopher Bingham: slomozovo Jack [Finn] Harries: jacksgap Luke Cutforth: lukeisnotsexy Ja Son: veeoneeye Bertie Gilbert: bertiebertg Caspar Lee: dicasp Steph Tobin: stephtobin101 Dan Howell: danisnotonfire Phil Lester: AmazingPhil Chris Kendall: crabstickz PJ Liguori: kickthepj Alex Day: nerimon Charlie McDonnell: charlieissocoollike Carrie Fletcher: itswaypastmybedtime Zoe Sugg: zoella280390 Louise Pentland: sprinkleofglitter Joe Sugg: ThatcherJoe AMERICAN Leda Muir: hailedabear Matt Gibson: mattg124 Destrey Smith: capndesdes Nathan Owens: ahoynateo ^^COLLAB: desandnate Shane Dawson: shanedawsontv Shanna Malcom: heyyoshannaAll Rights Reserved