Well. This is me. My name is Faith... Faith Evens. Im 18 years old and yes im one of those 'Sluts' as most of you would say. I got pregant when i was 15. I have a three year old daughter and im a full time single mom. Im the only one that suports me and Darcy seems that her dad doesnt even know shes alive and both of my parents died on a plane a year ago. I have my best friend Jack and my other best friend Andrea. Who is Darcys dad? The one and only Harry Styles. I work at McDondalds and studing at a model collage to be a model ( A/N not sure if there such place but go along) I live in apartment a cheap one cause thats all i can afford. But i have never regreated a thing about the night with Harry when i was 15 because i have beautiful little girl now. Yall are probs like how did he not know he didnt leave for xfactor till like a year after. Well i talked my parents into leaving homes chaple because i knew Harry wouldnt be ready to be a dad so we moved to Aussie! I wasnt ready to be a mom but i wasnt gonna kill someone.