Sweet Child O' Mine-TWDfic
6 Bagian Sedang dalam proses Victoria, the once troubled teenager with a "turbulent" home life, meets a small group of survivors that she joins forces with to attempt to defend against life literally trying to eat them alive. Little does she know, she isn't the only cold, temperamental, outsider in the group.
Daryl Dixon never planned to let his guard down, but will this young newcomer he sees himself in cause him to empathize and change those plans? Will he ever shower?
PSA: This is not a ship, she is WAY too young. Trigger warning ofc but its based on TWD so obviously. Violence, language, sexual themes, blah blah blah definitely pg-13 maybe even R rated. Sorry if this is bad btw I haven't written in a long time and i'm just a girl with a wild imagination and too many resources to share it. Enjoy if i decide to post!
Love- Kal !