both Kill and limia bow a wow to there lips at the sight of thier master's room, Limia shot the door behind her and eagerly took three steps forward, she let out a big laughter as she turned back to face Kill who was scanning the room silently, "Whao, this is so amazing,, don't you see" Limia said to Kill with an excited face, Kill smirked and swallowed her bottom lip before nodding her head in an attempt to say yes it really is amazing, Limia held her soft hand into hers as she skiped her way to the farthest end of the room, Kill pulled away"we should go, we mustn't be seen in here, i'm pretty sure we don't want to be fired on our first day of work" Kill said, trying to make a point, Milian stared at her silently for a very short time trying to read her eyes "come on miss, you are nervous, aren't yah" Milian said to Kill, she swallowed her bottom lips again which made it look like an habit "come on girlie" Limia said as she grabbed Kill's hand and dug it into hers. SHE NOTED A DOOR!!