Hello my name is Arabella rose Dallas, yes THE cameron dallas's sister, your probley thinking why havn't i seen you before well the answer to that would be cameron hides me away for the world he says 'its for your safety' but whats gonna happen what falling in love well 'love' dosen't excist nor will it ever.
i bet your calling me crazy but think of it this way...
Any body can tell you they love you but, the next second they can tell someone else the same thing, anyone can lie.
anyway,im a nerd i always have a different book, meaning i finished the other book, i wear thick black glasses, aka NERD glasses, im shy, and strange.And the reason you dont see me in any photos is because im the one taking them, thats right i want to be a photographer, i love the art and all the possibilitys of taking pitchures.
but what i hate most is how people talk about 'love' i dont belive in love but i belive in wuv,because,
people tell their family they wuv them but have you ever to a boy or girl....!