There are different variations of intelligence, you've got the dim bulbs, bright bulbs, stars.
Then you have Stella, the supernova. She was brilliant, she outshone the rest. Like all supernovas she was anonymous because she was simply too far away. Even when she was standing right in front of you, her gaze drifted far-away as if racing light years away. Her head was up in space, people called her a dreamer, but she wasn't, she was a thinker. They said her head was up in space, and they would bring her down to earth. Over years Her flame cooled. And always she thought of another way, another genius that understood everything to understand her.
Then one day she meets someone she can't understand, a person who comes closest to understanding her, but he can't. And that was alright because it kept them a little curious and a little light.
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