What happen when Arianna Desportin, a 15 year old girl who has pretty much EVERYTHING's life slips away? Arianna is very rich, and her parents always give her anything she wants. She has a baby brother who looks up to her, and a giant house filled with everything a girl could only dream of. And meanwhile at school, she is one of the most popular and prettiest girl in the school. She has a crowd of people who basically worship her, and every teacher thinks of her as an innocent, sweet child. And top it all off, she is currently dating the hottest guy in school, Jason. But everything slowly slips away. Her life crumbles before her. She watches helplessly as everything is yanked away from her. But then, some mysterious figure dances into her life and offers her a chance to fix everything. A chance to put her life back together. The mysterious figure offers her an opportunity to put everything exactly as it was. But he only gives her a couple of hours to do so. Will Arianna's life return to it's perfect form, or will Arianna be doomed with a new and much more upsetting life? Read Alternations to find out!